Exercises for Building Your Horses Core Muscles.
The most common concern I hear from horse owners is, “I think his back is sore”, and usually the owner is right. Nature just didn’t design the horse to carry the weight of a rider over the weakest part of his anatomy: his back.
No matter what equine discipline your horse participates in, exercises that help to improve flexibility and strengthen core muscles groups are beneficial to your horse when performed correctly and as part of a regular routine. Below are three easy-to-do stretches for your horse. Do these after your horse has worked and is warmed up so blood flow is already increased to the muscles and they are warm. Do NOT do these stretches on cold muscles.
Do equally on both sides and observe any differences. Be patient and go slowly and with consistency and routine you will see the difference. Always keep your safety and the safety of your horse in mind when performing these exercises.

Long Neck Stretch
Use a rope across a doorway to prevent him from walking forward. A stall door may be too tall.
Using a carrot, encourage him to reach forward
Keep the carrot at chest level for maximum effect on his back muscles. Hold for 5 – 10 seconds.
Repeat 3 times.
This exercise flexes the muscles of the neck and relaxes the long muscles in the back. It stimulates the abs and muscles surrounding the scapula and shoulder.

Between The Front Legs
Using a carrot, encourage your horse to lower his head down and then between his front legs.
Keep the carrot close but just out of reach of his lips to create a smooth transition downward.
Hold for 5 – 10 seconds. – Repeat 3 times.
This exercise flexes the muscles of the neck and back, contracts the abdominal muscles to lift the back and flexes the thoracic vertebrae. Muscles through the neck, withers and chest, flex to lift the chest up and between the should blades.

Side Stretch
Using a carrot, with your back to his side, lead the horse’s head down and across your knee.
Keep the carrot close but just out of reach of his lips to create a smooth downward movement.
Hold for 5 – 10 seconds. – Repeat 3 times.
As he gets good at this, move closer to his tail.
This exercise flexes the muscles of the neck and back, contracts the abdominal muscles to lift the back and flexes the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. It will improve suppleness though the neck and shoulder junctions.